I recently found out my friend, Liam, lost over 60 pounds and started running! He said he found the couch to 5K program on my blog and now is going to run a 5K!
I was so impressed and inspired I had to interview him and get his weight loss story. her er det…
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4 minute lower Body workout for Runners
pounds lost – 63
How long it took – Feb 4th 2009 – Dec 20th 2009
Occupation – video production / software Engineer
location – Irvine, CA
What was the motivating factor that got you started on your weight loss journey? Was it one thing or a series of events?
It was a series of events… but… It’s always “that last thing” that got me actually on the course to losing that 63lbs.
1) My grandson (6 years old) who I don’t see very typically (lives in England). When I saw him in March of 08 he asked me in all seriousness “Grandpa… why are you so fat?”. This opened my eyes to something that I had been ignoring…. and that was the impact that my health and fitness has on my own grandchildren. By the way I answered his very straight question with a straight answer “Because I eat too much”. I saw him in December of 08 – within a short while of him arriving at our house he said to me “Grandpa… you’re still eating too much aren’t you”. Arghh… the truthfulness of children!
2) In February of 09 I was attending a “personal development” seminar. It was a three month course (approx 1 night a week) and in that course we were asked to take on causing a “breakthrough” in an area of life that was important to us. My weight was an area of my life that I had never had any success in managing (ever since High school it was going in one direction only) so if I created a result with this I could definitely say that would be a “breakthrough”. over the years I had accumulated a lot of evidence that I could not truly impact this. I had tried various diets / fitness programs / personal trainers without really ever getting any long-term results. In the course we were specifically prompted to consider how we mostly go about trying to fix and change problems we have by trying more of what we already know what to do. In this area I had mostly “given up”. I was nearing 300 lbs and I was mostly ignoring my weight and the impact on me and my health. I am clear that I didn’t want all that extra weight… I just did not see how I could have any impact on it. During the course I suspended my disbelief and chose to take this area of my life on as something to work on during this seminar. The seminar focused on looking at the “unknown” for the solution.. more about this later. during those 3 months I lost my first 27 lbs. That was a breakthrough!
What do you think was the one most important change you made? how did it help? Can you keep this up for life?
The most important change is that I became “Present” to the food choices that I make that impact my weight. I pretty much used to just eat whatever the heck I wanted to without any regard for whether I was hungry. I am clear being “present” is what enables me to make responsible food choices… and there lies true power. On Feb 4th 2009 I chose to do something that I had never considered doing before… that was to say to myself “I am responsible for my own body”. That’s something I can maintain for the rest of my life.
How did you change your eating habits?
I joined Weight Watchers. This program provided me with a structure to track and manage what I was eating. I shared my progress with my pals and family and others at weight watchers. I posted progress on Facebook. I tracked my progress week-by-week. It was not a lightning fast result… but it was a steady drop in weight week after week. I found myself really enjoying the “science” of managing what I was eating. I love the fact that restaurants (most of them) now carry nutritional guides.
how did you change your exercise habits?
Up until very recently (last couple of weeks) I had not altered my exercise habits at all (I basically did nothing). I had always said to friends/family who were tracking my weight loss progress that I would be taking on exercise eventually – however it was pretty spectacular to me that I had lost all this weight without doing any of that. however we all know that health is about “eating right + exercise”. So – I’ve finally added that part of the equation. I started doing some brisk walking… and found that my “60lbs” lighter body actually likes the exercise. I am now following the “Couch 2 5K” program to support me in running my first 5K race. I used to be a cross-country runner when I was growing up in England. In just a few weeks of doing the c25k training I am now experiencing “my old self”… I have re-discovered the young athlete I used to be!Hvordan planlegger du å opprettholde disse sunne vanene?
Vel, jeg kan ikke lenger late som om jeg ikke har makt til å styre min egen vekt. Det er liksom å sykle. Det er ikke noe du lærer ved å lese om det i en bok. Du må gjøre det slik at du virkelig “får det”. Det er et øyeblikk du oppnår balanse. Hvor øyeblikket før du ikke hadde balanse … og øyeblikket etter at du har fått balanse og verden ikke lenger er det samme igjen. Det er slik jeg føler om kraften jeg nå har over vekten min. Med andre ord … Jeg er rett og slett til stede for min egen makt på dette området. Jeg er ikke den samme personen jeg var før jeg startet dette i februar 2009. Livet har for alltid endret seg. 6. Har du noen råd eller ideer til noen som vil gå ned i vekt?
Lytt til alle grunnene til at du gir deg selv om ikke å kunne gå ned i vekt. Stort sett er disse grunnene unnskyldningene vi gir oss selv for å unngå å være ansvarlige for å spise. Ideen min til noen som vil gå ned i vekt, er ganske enkelt å innse at du har kraften i deg til å slikke dette problemet. Bare få det “du kan gjøre det”. Hvordan du gjør det er opp til deg. Jeg fant ut at Weight Watchers var et program som hjalp meg med å se hvordan ting fungerte – liksom en vitenskapelig metode for å bruke det jeg spiste. Det kan være det du tar på deg … men mer enn det er ganske enkelt å ta på deg noe du kanskje noen gang virkelig har gjort tidligere … og det er … å velge å være ansvarlig.
Noe annet???
I løpet av de siste 8 årene har jeg hatt søvnapné som krevde at jeg bruker en CPAP -maskin om natten for å sikre at jeg fortsetter å puste riktig mens jeg sover. Jeg ble fortalt at dette var forårsaket av vekten min, og at å gå ned i vekt ville påvirke og kanskje til og med kurere det. Det har skjedd. Jeg trenger ikke lenger å bruke CPAP -maskinen.
Nå er Liam opp for sin neste store utfordring … Han driver Huntington Beach 5K i helgen! Vennligst ønsker ham lykke til !!
Takk for at du delte historien din og lykke til Liam?
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